A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

Its 3 apps in one

1. Is a Digital heart thing, you can stimulate the heart with medication,breath hold cpr and even deffibrillation.Its expected to react in a layman accurate medically plausible way
more details in in game help menu accessible from pause menu

2. is an Album builder, basically it has access to adult image board sites e621 r34 reaborou danborou great image boardcan fetch images based on tags and group them into poffline albums for later use or use with the next sub app, more details in ingame help menu

3. is a heartbeat based JOI generator...so it has the tools to make, edit save and play and even import or export joi rythm sequences (import export is via clipboard)

more info in the in game help menu

the clipboard export can be used to ask chatgpt or other ai models to generate sequences based on prompt input)

function vise its complete,main priority is squashing bugs,feedback is more than welcome.

im most active on discord as : gabrielkazansky you can dm me there too


HeartToyandJoi2025.02.13.zip 58 MB
Heart Toy and joi 2025.02.13.apk 62 MB

Install instructions

as for the install just unzip and run the heart toy.exe

it can be run under linux using wine with little to no trouble

and under android you need to install the apk (needs to be enabled in the settings to be able to install non google apk s)


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(5 edits)


(Because it is a Heartbeat cardiophilia game)

At last, we have encountered another heartbeat game as how rare devs would do it this topic, iyeay!

  • Heart organ sandbox! Simulate beating heart complete with effectors such as Meds, Defib & CPR, Blood Pressures, Breathhold, etc. Not to forget, an ECG that measures SpO2, Irregularity, etc. beside the BPM itself! You can even cause heart attack when say you adrenaline the heart way overboard, & then CPR it again until it goes back up. Finally, settings should save maybe to PlayerPrefs, or whatever idk.
  • JOI?! Well, personally, I don't do it this and turns out not interested. But it's nice considering that this is new that a generator for JOI finally exists for those who are into it. Yeah so, you just collect some images, usually yeah you know, bla bla, and then put this into album. & then you play it. It has serveral parameter like stroke BPM, tightness, etc etc., Like yeah, JOI video at your fingertips (Android) or desk (PC), yea. All this without you have to friend that stranger just to get to it (Yeah, the days of P is horrible you know, even to this day with TVid!)

So yeah, I'm looking forward to this.

  • The Heart organ simulator is best with full proper 3D view controls. Like typical 3D model viewer where it has rotate camera, rotate objects (Oh it's there!), etc. For zooming, again, that should be by the camera instead of GameObject scale. The interface, I recommend you look at various simulator programs or related so to inspire you how to build UI. You did a progress ye
  • the JOI selection in main menu could be merged. You can tab these each menu: Image downloader, Player. That's it.
  • Put the heart inside a person or lab option. Idea! an option where the heart organ should be: Either inside a girl, or is a lab tube something.

Cool and good amazing awesome iyeay!